Teachers rock! Tools that make a classroom even sunnier.


WHiCH ONE? cards use rhyming combined with the colorful drawings to promote language acquisition.  The open ended question on each card enhances the process of putting thoughts into words. Plus, they are just plain FUN! The cards come in 3 by 5 inch or 5 by 8 inch sizes.  Large format is great for Circle Time.

Created in collaboration with Preschool and Elementary Teachers!

I was excited to use the WHiCH ONE? cards with my students as another way to introduce rhyming and higher-level thinking. With preschoolers it is important to give them the answer when starting a new concept. Not only do they hear rhyming words, they also need to produce one. I also enjoy giving them opportunities to think of new ideas of reasons why one would choose the answer they gave.


pre-k teacher

Rhyming is a crucial pre-reading skill. Children who can rhyme see patterns in reading that lead to more successful readers. These cards have engaging illustrations and provide rhyming activities that can be used in several fun interactive ways!


2nd grade teacher

Counting Club

Learn to count 1 to 10, then count back down from 10 to 1.  Soon you find that every day, counting is SO FUN!

Count from 10 to 100 by 10s, it’s easy, you will see.  Then challenge yourself and try to countdown, and happy you’ll be!

Counting Club cards

HAPPYtown merch

Gifts for friends!

Buttons, t-shirts, and other card sets guaranteed to make you SMiLE!